3D Model features supported?

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First time poster and GLBasic user here. Up until now I have primarily interested in 2D games development but have been thinking about 3D lately and wondered if GLBasic can meet my ideas. I did some searching through the website and forums for what kind of 3D model features were supported but didn't find what I was looking for so I thought I'd ask here.

1.Are skinned meshes supported?
2.Multiple textures per model?
3.Multiple UV sets per model?
4.Hierarchically linked models?
5.An animation only format to play on skinned or hierarchical models?

If I may, which of the features above are present or planned for the future? These aren't deal breakers for me but do determine the type of 3D games I would try to make with GLBasic.


Kitty Hello

Skinned meshes, yes.
If you want multiple textures, you must export "ddw" world files.
Multiple UV sets is not supported so far.
No bones, yet. Planned, though.


K, thanks. I keep a lookout for whenever you implement those features and will design around the limitiations in the mean time.

thanks for the speedy reply,