Help managing shared directories Win-Mac

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I have a Win7 64 bits and MacOs latest  :P

On the mac, in desktop, a directory, called "shared", that is shared between the mac and the win.

On Win, I can read this dir, and write to, but I can not delete, always "you have not permision" or something like that. If I try to use a GLB project on this dir, it givs me an error, as GLB seems it can not write there.

On the Mac, I can read and write in this dir, but to delete, I need to enter my username&password. I have managed to remove the password... well, it is now a "blank password". Also I can not use the xcode on this carpet because xcode can not write there.

How can set this directory to "normal"? I want to generate inside the xcode from GLB and compile. Currently I have to generate xcode in glb, copy&paste to the shared, then on mac, again copy&paste to the desktop to compile. It is like a "forbiden tube". You can go into and out-to, but nothing inside the tube :D

Also, I would like to access the GLB win directory from the Mac.

Can someone help me?

check my web and/or my blog :D (devblog)
I own PC-Win, MacBook 13", iPhone 3G/3GS/4G and iPAC-WinCE