Error compiling just for Debug Mode

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I have a project that compiles fine as long as you dont compile as debug.

The compiler returns with

Code (glbasic) Select

error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token

and the offending line is the ON_DEBUG ( 1, 109 );

Code (glbasic) Select

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 110

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 110
ON_DEBUG ( 1, 109 );

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 111

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 111
// auto-mid handle mode (T/F).

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 112

#undef __GLBNO__
#define __GLBNO__ 112

any idea to why this is happening ?

Also a little niggle, once you have selected to view the gpc_temp file, then recompile,  the gpc_temp is not reloaded back in.



Bit more investigation and it appears the offending line was setting a var inside a type as an RGB() value.  Think I read somewhere that you cant have deault values defaulting to a function ? in which case case solved.

Code (glbasic) Select

type dummy
color=  RGB(255,255,255)
end type


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