Calling applications

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I'm still struggeling in havin a GLB-App as reusable (ios) component.

My goal is to have an iOS - app that uses the handy functions of GLB but can be used in a "normal" xcode project. So you just would add the compiled libs from glb to your project and could have the (glb-)output on a (say) viewcontroller. As I understand so far the main.m that is generated returns a UIApplication-instance. I understand this is a singleton and so I cannot simply call main from somewhere else in my code. Is there a chance to change this (returning UIApplication)? I'd rather use the "normal" main.m instead and just create a (say) GLKit-View once I need it, and then pass this instance to GLB, so that the GLB-Output will go there?

If this is not possible, a workaround for me could be an architecture that uses the "custom sceme" variant: My "main"-App calls the "glb-App" via custom-sceme. I understand this should be possible by now, reading threads and
so I could just "shell out" to the glb-app (using the customsceme of the glb app) with an identifer (say the custom-sceme of the main-app) as a query-param. Then the glb-App is doing it's job and once finished calls the main app via the custom-sceme that was delivered before. But: How can I achive the latter? Is there a way to call a custom-sceme in GLB?

Is there anyone having a better idea?

Thanx in advance for any hint or idea
Adopt, adapt and improve


Unless you know your ObjC, keep dreaming, otherwise have a look at the iAd wrapper as that creates a view on top of GLB. Replace this with iOS controls and it could be possible as I've experimented a little with it a while ago.