GLBasic forum

Main forum => GLBasic - en => Topic started by: Schranz0r on 2017-Dec-30

Title: Visual Studio Code possible?
Post by: Schranz0r on 2017-Dec-30
Hi there,

did anyone tried to run GLB with Visual Studio Code ?
Title: Re: Visual Studio Code possible?
Post by: dreamerman on 2018-Jan-18
Not me :p Generally I see that now VisualStudio has options to use custom languages, yet most important questions is that all language features could be implemented in this way? All syntax stuff, compilation and debug.. As for now my editor is sufficient for me. But if GLB would go to Steam then VS as default IDE would be really nice.
Title: Re: Visual Studio Code possible?
Post by: Schranz0r on 2018-Jan-19
If you can help me with the Comandline-Stuff, i will give it a try this weekend.  =D
Title: Re: Visual Studio Code possible?
Post by: dreamerman on 2018-Jan-21
No problem. In general compiling works like this:
- precompile GLB sources with GPC.exe to c++ code (set resolution, platform and others as arguments here),
- do standard c++ compiling with those sources: compile and then link with g++.exe and proper arguments,
- if needed add icon, run other commands,
All needed commands are in platform.ini files.
Grabbed from some GLB 12 test:
Code (glbasic) Select

GPC arguments: -pWIN32=1 -pGLB_VERSION=11.556 -N"cube_test" -X640 -Y480 -M0 -R60 -O"C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\glbasic\gpc_temp" -L3 -EXPLICIT -P"D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test" -V"000.001" "D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test\cube_test.gbas" "D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test\3d_func.gbas" "D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test\gl_include.gbas"

and c++ stuff:
Code (glbasic) Select

compile: g++.exe -B"C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Win32\Bin" -pipe -O3 -w -c -x c++ -mwindows -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Include" -I"D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test" -D_WINDOWS_ -DNDEBUG -DHAVE_OPENGL
link: g++.exe -Wl,-Bdynamic,-enable-stdcall-fixup,--subsystem,windows -B"C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Win32\Bin" -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Win32\Lib" -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Win32\Lib\DX7" -L"D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test"  "C:\Program Files (x86)\GLBasic_v12\Compiler\platform\Win32\Bin\icon.o" -lGLBasic -lpng -ldsound -ldinput8 -lwinmm -lole32 -lopengl32 -lvfw32 -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32<< w: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\glbasic'
strip: strip.exe --strip-all
rest: MakeApp.exe "D:\projekty\glbasic\cube_test\cube_test"